From: NT+ Diritto – Norme & Tributi Plus – May 22nd 2022 Das Europäische Laienrichterforum in Poznan von Margherita Morelli*, Alessia Perolio**, Rosita Silvestre*** Der Kongress fand vom 13. bis 15. Mai 2022 statt. Auf der Tagesordnung: das ENALJ Collaborative Research…
Tag: European day of lay judges
Article: European Lay Judge Forum in Poznan by Margherita Morelli, Alessia Perolio & Rosita Silvestre
From: NT+ Diritto – Norme & Tributi Plus – May 22nd 2022 European Lay Judge Forum in Poznan by Margherita Morelli*, Alessia Perolio**, Rosita Silvestre*** The Congress was held from 13 to 15, May 2022. On the Agenda, the „ENALJ Collaborative Research…